A Home Equity Line of Credit is a revolving credit account. You can borrow money up to your credit limit, and you only get charged interest on the portion that you borrow. You can pay down the balance, then reuse the credit. Most have a draw term, usually 5 to 10 years, where you can draw money out, then the loan is paid back over a 10 to 15 year period. You may also elect to refinance the Equity Line and get another 5 to 10 years to use the line of credit.
You choose what you want to do with your home equity line of credit:
There are many features of HELOC loan programs. Ask your Loan Officer to help you decide which is best for you.
A HELOC is usually 100% tax-deductible*, and a smart way to consolidate debt, pay for home improvements, new automobiles, student loans or even vacations or weddings.
You may prefer a home equity fixed rate loan compared to a HELOC. Home equity fixed rate loans offer a wide variety of amortization periods (length of time to pay it back), more choices for people with less-than-perfect credit, fixed rates so your rate can never go up and the interest paid may also be tax-deductible*!
* It is recommended that Customers consult their tax advisor. Not all loan fees or interest payments are tax deductible.
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